Friday, July 15, 2011

Battlefield 2 in pictures

Gogo photobucket account! Most of these are 800x600 res at crap settings due to the computer I had at the time I think.

The MEC Decoy Biker was a valuable part of any team.

Poor guy....

You could do this by driving at the bow at a certain angle, and slip through the collision maps or what have you.

You had to put the Viper where the Blackhawk spawned, and this would happen.

Mmmm, so satisfying.

I don't know what happened here. Maybe the Vodnik decided to end its life :((((

Why would you waste your time with sniper rifles for that medal when you could just spam claymores and grenades on the first flag of Karkand? Aiming for efficiency here, yo.

Logged in to get a bunch of medals cos they changed the prereqs.

Yeah, that's us with both choppers of the map, raping the fuck out of the sea dock! What of it? B))))

Oh how we raged.

This player had an excellent point!

OMG fucking teamstackers!!!! :mad:

The dreaded nokit bug!

I guess they really wanted that heli??? Dumb thing to do though, cos one bomb or grenade would take the whole lot of them out, as happened several times.

Players on BF2S edited that to say "there is a problem with our patch"

Trololol, always look where you are driving, kids.

They weren't having a good day.

BF2 had the best bugs!

Messing around with a guy from Totse.

The real-life Predator drone was based off these modified game files, true story.

What was this baby's problem, why was he so angry all the time? No-one knew.

The GAU-8 and it's accompanying plane was in a BF2 mod.


Dice really missed a trick by not including this vehicle.

In conclusion: BF2

I have a second load of shots I can do in a later post.

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