Thursday, March 10, 2011

Eve 2011

Just gonna post a few screens from my current/recent playing. Joined a new corp, Stimulus in Rote Kapelle alliance- they seem like a pretty switched-on bunch of dudes, though targets and so on have been a bit lacking unfortunately. Still, gonna stick with them for a bit and see what happens.

Oh, and I guess i'll sort out the links and stuff on the sidebar if I can be bothered.

Messing around in a Dram

New character creator

Dat ass. It is remarkably juicy considering the fact that she has NO WEIGHT lol

Clothed. Sadly I forgot to save pics during my main's character creation, oh well. If CCP release Incarna in the summer, then I will be able to show you her smexy body.

I did take screens of what she looked like on the login screen though. This is first version.

And second version. I kinda preferred the first one :(

Cloakfagging it up with the monkeys

They definitely don't have enough bubbles protecting that TCU

My ill-fated cargo for SHC Minmatar Night

Commence hurricane of Hurricanes

Hurricane of Hurricanes gathering strength

Conga forming

More conga

Ultimate conga

Sadly, despite superior conga capabilities, the 80 man Cane blob lost to a 200 man Drake blob. But at least they looked cool while doing it.

Silly highsec fight

Brick Squad being terrible

Cynabals are cool

I like the thruster pods the best

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