So I just ordered 2MB ADSL from tiscali. It should be arriving in about two weeks. I'm kinda embarrassed to admit this, but I had to get my mum to pay for it (well she'll use it too, but obviously I was the one that pushed for it). I was intially resistant to getting tiscali, as my dad was espousing it's virtues, and he knows shit all about PCs, and I wanted to get Blueyonder. It wasn't available here though, so I checked out tiscali, and it's actually very good; £17.99 PM for unlimited usage. Although it does have a 'fair usage policy' which basically amounts to no P2P filesharing in the peak evening hours as it uses too much bandwidth, which is fair enough really. (I'll just use P2P in non-peak hours, duh.)
So yeah, in a couple weeks I will actually be a 21st century human! Online games! Music! Video! Wooo!!! ;) Haha. I'm going to get Eve Online, been waiting a fair while to play that, and also get BF2 on this, instead of forking through the nose for it at a stupid pc cafe.
Feeling a lot better today, and not just because of this. Mevve the medzorz are working a bit. I went out and bought some comics- the new Witchblade, a few back issues of it, a Spawn issue, and a Soulfire book. Gonna read them in a bit. Now I just have to stop spending my will money....... crap, Eve has subs, doesn't it? Oh well.
See you!
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